Theme: Theme : Advancements in Digestive Health: Exploring New Frontiers in Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Gastroenterology 2024

Gastroenterology 2024

The 24th International Conference on Gastroenterology and Hepatology will take put on September 19-20, 2024, in Paris, France. This regarded Gastroenterology and Hepatology Conference serves as a worldwide stage for healthcare experts, researchers, and scholastics to examine the most recent headways and patterns in the areas of gastroenterology and hepatology. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in a comprehensive program highlighting keynote discourses, entire sessions, workshops, and poster presentations.

The conference points to cultivate the trade of inventive investigate, clinical practices, and helpful techniques. Participants can anticipate to pick up bits of knowledge into different points such as liver illnesses, gastrointestinal clutters, symptomatic strategies, and rising medications. Organizing openings will flourish, permitting members to collaborate with peers, build up proficient connections, and share knowledge.

Hosted in the dynamic city of Paris, the conference too offers a special social involvement, combining logical investigation with the chance to appreciate the verifiable and creative treasures of the city. Whether you are a prepared master or an early-career analyst, this conference guarantees to be an enhancing and rousing occasion that contributes essentially to the progression of gastroenterology and hepatology.

For Abstract Submission

For Registration

The 24th International Conference on Gastroenterology and Hepatology is a prestigious event that attracts a diverse audience from the healthcare sector. Those who should attend include:

  • Gastroenterologists
  • Hepatologists
  • Medical Researchers
  • Clinicians
  • Surgeons
  • Pharmacologists
  • Drug Developers
  • Medical Students
  • Public Health Officials
  • Medical Device Manufacturers
  • Equipment Manufacturers
  • Academic Educators
  • Clinical Educators
  • Industry Consultants
  • Healthcare Administrators
  • Nutritionists
  • Dietitians
  • Radiologists
  • Pathologists
  • Epidemiologists
  • Biotechnologists
  • Pharmaceutical Representatives
  • Policy Makers
  • Patient Advocacy Groups

Attending a gastroenterology conference can offer numerous professional and personal benefits, including:

·  Latest Research: Gain insights into cutting-edge research in gastroenterology and hepatology, presented by leading experts, to stay updated with the latest advancements in the field.

·  Networking Opportunities: Connect with global professionals, fostering collaborations, mentorship, and career opportunities, enhancing your professional network and broadening your horizons.

·  Innovative Technologies: Explore the newest diagnostic tools, medical devices, and treatments showcased by industry leaders, helping you integrate advanced technologies into your practice.

·  CME Credits: Earn Continuing Medical Education credits to maintain your medical license and certification, ensuring compliance with professional development requirements while expanding your knowledge.

·  Skill Enhancement: Participate in workshops and hands-on sessions to refine your clinical skills and techniques under the guidance of experienced practitioners and experts.

·  Future Trends: Learn about emerging trends and future directions in gastroenterology and hepatology, preparing you to anticipate and adapt to changes in the field.

·  Research Presentation: Present your own research, receive valuable feedback, and gain recognition from peers, potentially leading to publication opportunities and enhanced professional standing.

Participation Options: 

Gastroenterology conference, provides the participants with different modes or ways to participate as Delegate or Speaker under either ACADEMIC / STUDENT / BUSINESS Category. Mode of participation is Madrid, Spain through Power Point Presentation/ Video Presentation on Cisco Madrid, Spain.

  • Keynote speaker: 45-50 minutes
  • Speaker (oral presentation): 25-30 minutes (only one person can present)
  • Speaker (workshop): 45-50 minutes (more than 1 can present)
  • Speaker (special session): 45-50 minutes (more than 1 can present)
  • Speaker (symposium): more than 45 minutes (more than 1 can present)
  • Delegate(only registration): will have access to all the sessions with all the benefits of registration
  • Poster presenter:  can present a poster and enjoy the benefits of delegate
  • Remote attendance:  can participate via video presentation or e-poster presentation
  • Exhibitor: can exhibit his/her company’s products by booking exhibitor booths of different sizes
  • Media partner
  • Sponsor
  • Collaborator

Participation Benefits:

  • Attend Keynote Presentation by world’s most eminent researchers
  • Access to all the sessions
  • Get Participation certificate
  • Get worldwide acknowledgment to your profile and Research
  • Get your abstracts published with unique DOI in International Journals
  • Get up to 50% discounts for publishing your entire article in our open access International Journals
  • Get Handbooks and conference kits
  • Get an access to the network with eminent personalities from worldwide
  • To learn and expand the knowledge from Top Gastroenterologist, Professionals
  • Get your Abstract published and Certified for your participation
  • Mark new links and trigger  your profession
  • Acquire a global exposure to your research idea
  • The Gastroenterology conference cooperates with associates around the world who focused on learning concerning Gastroenterology and its specialties. This is often the best opportunity to reach the largest gathering participants. This event is recognized for distribution the data demonstrations, knowledge, information and B2B meetings with industrialists and prospective clients to form a splash with innovative products.
  • Advantage from updates and bits of knowledge on the newest gastrologer procedure, and in addition recommendations for guaranteeing best practice and Potentiate results.
  • Associate with 200+ amazing representatives who are included in Gastroenterology issue resolve shared difficulties and expansion from the broad familiarization of others.
  • Attend a range of informative seminars, engaging interactive presentations, and keynote panel discussions with key policy manufactures and specialists in Gastroenterology conference
  • Be the first to showcase your research, innovation, and brand to gain competitive advantages. Meet your target audience and explore your product and services.

Track 1 - Gastroenterology

The think about of the work and infections of the throat, little stomach related tract, stomach, colon and rectum, gallbladder, bile channels, pancreas, and liver is known as gastroenterology. It incorporates a point-by-point examination of the ordinary activity (physiology) of the gastrointestinal organs, such as fabric development through the stomach and stomach related framework, retention and maintenance of supplements in the body, squander expulsion from the body, and the capacity of the liver as a stomach related organ.
Pancreatic disease
Gastrointestinal cancer
Endoscopic monitoring

Track 2 - Intestinal and Colorectal Disorders

Gastrointestinal maladies are sicknesses that influence the gastrointestinal tract, particularly the throat, stomach, little stomach related tract, inner organ and rectum, and the stomach related organs, the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Hindering, crabby interior clutter, hemorrhoids, butt-centric crevices, perianal abscesses, butt-centric fistulas, perianal contaminations, diverticular sicknesses, colitis, colon polyps, and disease are all cases of gastrointestinal issues. A huge number of these can be expected or constrained by living a solid way of life, practicing exceptional insides slants, and submitting to tumor screening.
Irritable bowel syndrome (sensitive colon, spastic colon)
Anal disorders (internal and external hemorrhoids)
Diverticular disease
Polyps and cancer

Track 3- Diseases of the Esophagus

The esophagus is a strong barrel that transports nourishment and liquids from your mouth to your stomach. You may be unconscious of your esophagus until you swallow something amazingly expansive, amazingly hot, or greatly cold. You may moreover take note it when something isn't very right. You may feel tormented or have trouble gulping. GERD is the most well-known throat issue (gastroesophageal reflux illness). When you have GERD, a muscle at the conclusion of your esophagus does not near appropriately. This permits stomach substance to spill back into the throat and bother it. GERD can cause throat harm over time.
Esophageal atresia
Esophageal cancer
Esophageal dysphagia
Esophageal varices
Caustic injury to the esophagus

Track 4- Pathology of Gastrointestinal Bleeding

One of the most common complaints of patients is gastrointestinal dying, which can be relentless, mellow, or lethal. Most conditions, for case, GI dying, are overseen without the inclusion of others, however they are still assessed to keep a key remove from a rehash and to dodge any development of ailment. Gastrointestinal pathology (counting the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas) is respected as a sub-specialty of surgical pathology. Acknowledgment of a subspecialty is commonly related with devoted partnership preparing advertised inside the subspecialty or, on the other hand, to surgical pathologists with a extraordinary intrigued in and wide inclusion in gastrointestinal pathology.
Peptic ulcer
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Anal fissures

Track 5- Gallstones and Stones in the Bile Duct

Gallstones in the bile channel are known as bile conduit stones. They can frame in the gallbladder and at that point move into the bile conduit, or they can frame totally in the bile channel. Stones can gotten to be held up in the bile conduit, causing it to ended up blocked. Gallstones and bile channel stones (moreover known as choledocholithiasis) are the same thing; they're fair in diverse parts of your body. Stones may pass through the bile conduit on their claim. Be that as it may, when a stone gets to be held up in the bile conduit, therapeutic intercession is required since aggravation, bacterial disease, and indeed extreme organ harm can happen.
Open Cholecystectomy
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Track 6- Viral Gastroenteritis and Gastrointestinal Infection

Gastrointestinal diseases are diseases caused by infections, microscopic organisms, or parasites that cause gastroenteritis, a bothering of the gastrointestinal tract that incorporates both the stomach and the little digestive tract. Loose bowels, heaving, and stomach torment are among the side effects. Since lack of hydration is the most common cause of gastrointestinal diseases, rehydration is basic; be that as it may, most gastrointestinal contaminations are self-limiting and resolve inside a few days. Viral gastroenteritis is an contamination of the digestive tract that causes watery loose bowels, stomach spasms, queasiness or heaving, and, in a few cases, fever. The most common way to contract viral gastroenteritis, moreover known as stomach flu, is through contact with an tainted individual or by devouring sullied nourishment or water. 
Track7- Gastroparesis
Gastroparesis is a restorative term for postponed stomach purging. It is caused by harm to the vagus nerve, which runs from the brain to the stomach, and is commonly related with sort 1 and sort 2 diabetes. Diabetes' uncontrolled tall blood sugar (glucose) levels hurt nerves and veins all through the body, counting the vagus nerve in the gastrointestinal tract. Idiopathic gastroparesis is a comparative condition with no known cause. It is treated in the same way that diabetes-related gastroparesis.
Chronic nausea
Abdominal pain
A feeling of fullness

Track 8-Microbiome of the Gut

The intestine microbiome is made up of billions of microscopic organisms and other microorganisms that live in the lower digestive system nearby human cells. The intestine microbiota helps assimilation, safe work, and brain wellbeing. Our intestine microbiome creates from birth and is affected by hereditary qualities, conveyance strategy, age, push, sickness, environment, medicate utilize, and count calories. A few variables can disturbed our gut's 'balance,' which can lead to aggravation, a major chance figure for physical and mental wellbeing issues. Maladies and the Intestine Microbiome.
Clostridium difficile Infection (CDI)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Celiac Disease

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is an idiopathic illness caused by an anomalous resistant reaction to intestinal microflora. The two major sorts of IBD are ulcerative colitis (UC), which influences as it were the colonic mucosa, and Crohn's infection (CD), which influences any framework of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the buttocks, incorporates "skip bruises," and is transmural. IBD has a innate inclination, and patients with this condition are more likely to create cancer.

Track 10- Advances in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

A method called gastrointestinal endoscopy empowers your specialist to see the insides of your throat, stomach, and the underside of your little digestive system. An endoscope (scope), a adaptable, lean audit gadget, is utilized. It is less demanding to see subtle harm, such as little, level polyps and patches of dysplastic gastrointestinal mucosa, whereas utilizing high-definition and amplification endoscopes with electronic chromo zooscopic capabilities. They empower precise representation of polyps, permitting us to along these lines particularly resect fair precancerous colonic polyps whereas overlooking little, obliging hyperplastic polyps, driving to critical healthcare taken a toll savings. 
Chromo endoscopy
Narrow-Band Imaging
Flexible Spectral Imaging Color Enhancement
Magnifying Endoscopy

Track 11- Gastroenterology, both diagnostic and therapeutic

Demonstrative and restorative ERCP for pancreatitis pathologies (papillotomy, stone extraction, stricture enlargement and stenting, lithotripsy, paroral choledochoscopy and pancreatoscopy), endoscopic ultrasonography with fine needle yearning cytology and biopsy, and target treatment are fair a few of the progressed symptomatic and helpful endoscopic methods advertised by Helpful and Demonstrative Gastroenterology. Other cutting-edge procedures incorporate radiofrequency removal, cryotherapy, and endoscopic mucosal resection as treatment for Barrett's esophagus and early cancer. A few of these demonstrative contraptions require to be cleaned some time recently utilize since they can spread diseases.
Injection sclerotherapy
Argon plasma coagulation

Track 12- Gastrointestinal Imaging and Radiology

For the reason of taking pictures of the stomach, throat, stomach related tract, and other components of the stomach-related structure, gastrointestinal radiology, or GI Imaging, employments a barium-based particular surface and a state of ceaseless x-beam known as fluoroscopy. It is secure, non-invasive, and may be acclimated to offer assistance totally damaging reflux, look at torment, blood in the stool, & other antagonistic side effects. In spite of the broad utilize of fiber optic endoscopy, barium examinations of the gastrointestinal framework, enterocolitis for the assessment of the little bowel, and conventional radiography still have a put in medication.
Gastrointestinal Radiology
Genitourinary Radiology
Abdominal Computed Tomography (CT)
Abdominal Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MR)

Track13-GI Oncology                

The gastrointestinal tract tumors as well as any additional organs that show side effects of inside passing, such as horrifying torment, swelling, disappointment to prepare, trouble gulping, progressing obstacle, or extraordinary free stools. The two sorts of gastrointestinal clutters are lower gastrointestinal tract tumors and upper gastrointestinal malignancies. If there is a question or rankle, finding requires an endoscope taken after by a biopsy. Infections influencing the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, irritate bladder, and MALT are included in upper stomach related tract malignancies. Colorectal cancer, butt-centric improvement, expansive and little gastrointestinal tract cancers, retroperitoneum, and carcinoid tumor are all lower stomach-related tract illnesses.
Esophageal Oncology
Stomach Oncology
Pancreatic Oncology
Liver Oncology
Gallbladder Oncology
Gastrointestinal tumor
Anal Oncology

Track 14-Medical Pharmacology of the Gastrointestinal

Since they work by impacting the central and fringe apprehensive frameworks to control temperament, intuitively and neuropathic torment, as well as autonomic work, in portion through anticholinergic impacts, drugs utilized to treat misery, uneasiness, and seizures have ended up progressively engaging pros for utilize in useful gastrointestinal disarranges. The pharmacological treatments for gastrointestinal clutters are isolated into two classes: those that are endorsed by specialists and those that are sold over the counter (OTC Drugs). The drugs are given in light of issues with the stomach related framework, the gastrointestinal tract dividers, and the gastrointestinal motility
Peptic ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Chemotherapy-induced emesis

The most common gastroenterological transplants have involved the liver, pancreas, esophagus, small intestine, and colon. Since a transplant is a serious medical process, the peace must be observed during and after the procedure. The majority of the time, issues develop following surgery when the body starts to reject the joint or organ. The goal of a liver transplant is to remove the diseased or damaged liver and replace it with a whole modern solid liver or a portion of the liver from a different/healthy individual, known as a donor. People who have severe or ongoing liver failure require a liver transplant to survive.

Track 16- Primary & Abdominal Care

Discomfort beneath the rib cage and over the pelvic zone is commonly alluded to as stomach torment or a stomach hurt. Stomach torment may result from an aggravation that influences the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, little or expansive guts, reference section, spleen, stomach, or gallbladder. Viral, bacterial, or parasite diseases that influence the insides and stomach can result in agonizing stomach torment. Stomach inconvenience is ordinarily analyzed by your essential care doctor after analyzing your physical indications and pointers. Treatment for stomach torment depends on the potential basic causes of the torment, the patient's age, and therapeutic history.

Track 17- Advanced in  Hepatology

The consider, anticipation, investigation, and treatment of diseases that influence the pancreas, gallbladder, liver, and biliary frameworks are the center of the restorative field known as hepatology. Hepatitis C infection disease will no longer be an issue in the future of hepatology; a diverse issue has developed. Hepatitis C infection is no longer the most common cause of incessant liver sicknesses in western countries; instep, weight, metabolic clutters, and related non-alcoholic greasy liver maladies have taken its put. Atomic science, medications, imaging, and surgery have made unimaginable strides that have enormously helped our understanding and capacity to treat children with liver issues. There is as of now no upper age or weight constrain for beneficiaries of liver transplants much obliged to surgical breakthroughs.

Track 18- Liver diseases and Hepatitis

Hepatitis is a viral infection-induced irritation of the liver tissues that harms the organ and can result in cirrhosis, fibrosis, and liver cancer. Hepatitis is a deadly infection that harms the liver gradually over time. In the Center East, hepatitis A is the most commonplace cause of intense hepatitis in children. All newborns and high-risk bunches ought to be inoculated against HBV, and giver blood to be screened as well. Hepatitis treatment has progressed as of late as a result of steady changes, driving to novel solutions that may give help. Liver ailments can be contracted (acquired) or brought on by an assortment of variables that harm the liver.
Five types of Hepatitis-
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis D
Hepatitis E
Passionate changes are a result of pregnancy's normal physiological changes in the gastrointestinal (GI) framework. Subsequently, pregnancy postures a one of a kind restorative challenge to the GI tract and, for a few ladies, is a time of helplessness for the rise of unused GI sicknesses or a disturbance of preexisting ones. These movements can result in brand-new side effects, worsen an already-existing ailment, or conceal a possibly destructive condition. Nonappearance of interest in tending to these indications might have destroying impacts. The specialist must be able to decide if these indications are those of an ordinary pregnancy or show a possibly deadly complication like preeclampsia. Furthermore, the specialist needs to be mindful of which medicines and tests are secure to regulate amid pregnancy.
Nausea and vomiting
Gastroesophageal reflux
When distorted pancreatic cells multiply unchecked and create into a tumor, pancreatic cancer starts. The exocrine and endocrine cell sorts both of which are show in the pancreas and perform a assortment of assignments, are both show. Exocrine tumors are thought to account for around 94% of pancreatic cancer cases. The exocrine cells that create pancreatic chemicals, which help in processing, are where the tumors to begin with show up. In this category, adenocarcinomas make up the lion's share of tumors. The rate of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors is roughly 6%. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation treatment, or a combination of these treatments may all be utilized to treat pancreatic cancer.
Stop smoking
Maintain a healthy weight
Choose a healthy diet
The term "hepatic-pancreatic-biliary illness" alludes to any clutter that influences the bile channels, gallbladder, liver, or pancreas. These ailments as often as possible have comparative side effects or signs in common, such as jaundice, darker pee color, and lighter stool color. Whereas a few have acquired or genetic causes, the larger part result from determined harm to the tissues of the ensnared organs. Hepatologists, hepato-pancreatic-biliary oncologists, and transplant specialists treat and oversee these disarranges.
Liver cancer
Pancreatic cancer

The stomach and gastrointestinal tract are two major subjects in gastrointestinal surgery. The administration of the central apprehensive framework, immunology, centered care, absorption, neoplasia, nourishment, pathology, physiology, stun and restoration, and wound mending are all assignments performed by common pros. Advanced negligibly obtrusive surgery, which can join robotic-assisted strategies, calls for millimeter-long entry points. The modest cuts make a path for specialized surgical apparatuses and a laparoscope, a fiber-optic gear that is embedded into the guts divider. The less intrusive strategy has benefits like faster recuperation times, shorter healing center remains, and less blood misfortune after surgery.

Track23-Bariatric surgery and obesity

Obesity has developed as a worldwide wellbeing issue that disturbs a number of unsafe and crippling ailments, such as sort 2 diabetes mellitus and coronary supply route infection. Weight-reduction surgery, frequently known as bariatric surgery, employments a assortment of methods on stout patients. This is fulfilled by utilizing a gastric band to decrease the estimate of the stomach, by expelling a parcel of the stomach, by resecting and diverting the little digestive system to a little stomach pocket, or by any combination of these methods.


Track 24 - Motility and Neurogastroenterology

The common development of nourishment from the mouth gap to the rectum through the intestinal tract, known as peristalsis, advances the digestion of dietary supplements. These peristaltic compressions take put when the gut's muscle layers and the nerves that are set in them work in harmony. Intestine motility issues can be related to disarranges in other organ frameworks. Understanding the parts of the enteric, thoughtful, and parasympathetic divisions of the gastrointestinal tract is made less demanding by neurogastroenterology. On each surface of our body, neurons are unmistakable. We may encounter and perform both deliberateness and automatic assignments as a coordinate result of these neurons.
For example, the central nervous system, mitochondrial disorders, muscular dystrophies and others. 
Esophageal issues
Gastric disorders
Small bowel issues
Colon issues

Track 25- Dietetics in Gastroenterology and Nutrition

The common improvement of food from the mouth hole to the rectum through the intestinal tract, known as peristalsis, propels the absorption of dietary supplements. These peristaltic compressions take put when the gut's muscle layers and the nerves that are set in them work in concordance. Digestive system motility issues can be related to disarrange in other organ systems. Understanding the parts of the enteric, keen, and parasympathetic divisions of the gastrointestinal tract is made less requesting by neurogastroenterology. On each surface of our body, neurons are unmistakable. We may experience and perform both deliberateness and programmed assignments as a facilitate result of these neurons.

Gastrointestinal Therapeutics Market

The gastrointestinal therapeutics market is expected to register a healthy CAGR of nearly 6.5 % during the forecast period (2019 - 2024). According to market research, North America had the largest global revenue for gastrointestinal drugs in 2016 with a total of 17,288 US dollars million, whereas the Middle East and Africa continent had a low revenue creation rate. A CAGR of 3.5 percent is predicted for the market for prescription medicines, taking it from $18.6 billion in 2016 to roughly $22.1 billion in 2021. (approx.). With a CAGR of 5.9% from 2017 to 2021, the global diagnostics market will increase from $17.7 billion in 2019 to $23.5 billion in 2022.

According to market research, North America had the largest global revenue for gastrointestinal drugs in 2016 with a total of 17,288 US dollars million, whereas the Middle East and Africa continent had a low revenue creation rate. A CAGR of 3.5 percent is predicted for the market for prescription medicines, taking it from $18.6 billion in 2016 to roughly $22.1 billion in 2021. (approx.). With a CAGR of 5.9% from 2017 to 2021, the global diagnostics market will increase from $17.7 billion in 2019 to $23.5 billion in 2022.

By 2020, the market for gastrointestinal treatments is anticipated to grow to a value of around USD 13.8 billion, with a CAGR of 6.5 percent from 2016 to 2020. This increase in market size is attributable to a number of factors, including rising biologics consumption, preliminary approval of late-stage molecules, development of medicines using cutting-edge technology, and an increase in the population seeking treatment.

Inflammatory Ulcerative Colitis Holds Significant Market Share

The condition known as inflammatory ulcerative colitis (UC) frequently recurs. Lifelong therapy is frequently used to treat the condition. The present therapy choices, however, have a number of negative side effects and subpar efficacy characteristics. Additionally, the drug might be very expensive in some cases, which makes this market profitable for the biopharmaceutical companies. Inflammatory bowel illness can benefit from some conventional therapeutic types, such as corticosteroids, 5-aminosalicylic acid, and immune-modulating medicines (IBD). Several biologic medications, including anti-TNF medications, immunosuppressive interleukins, and anti-interleukin antibodies, have been approved for use in recent years. Merck & Co. Inc. (2018) reports that, despite the availability of a variety of pharmaceutical options, one-third of all UC patients ultimately need surgery.

Top companies:

Allergan Pharmaceuticals
Boston Scientific
Evoke Pharma
Johnson & Johnson
Physicians Endoscopy
Synergy Pharmaceuticals
Salix Pharmaceuticals
Shaili Endoscopy
Takeda Pharmaceuticals USA
US Endoscopy Group

Associations and Societies of Gastroenterology

European Association for Gastroenterology, Endoscopy & Nutrition
United European Gastroenterology
European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
European Society of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Nurses and Associates
The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology
The Korean Society of Gastroenterology
The Italian Society of Gastroenterology
Italian society of Digestive Disease
United European Gastroenterology
Hepatology Society of the Philippines
American Gastroenterological Association
British Society of Gastroenterology
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Gastroenterological Society of Australia
European Board of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
United European Gastroenterology
The European Society for Pediatrics Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition

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To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date September 19-20, 2024
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